Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mindset of an Internet Marketer – Do You Have What It Takes?

Did you know that only 3% of network marketers make it (and make it big) in this business while the other 97% ultimately quit or fail? This is a staggering, lopsided statistic that begs the question: What are the 3%ers doing differently to have such success?

I have researched and studied the most successful entrepreneurs in the network marketing industry. When asked of their own keys to success, the overwhelming majority of these leaders responded first with “Mindset before skill set.”

You must have the mindset of an entrepreneur. You must think and act like a successful entrepreneur even before you are one! Without this mindset you will fail in this industry.

The Entrepreneur Mindset

The Entrepreneur Mindset consists of a system of two thought processes. By system I mean they work together; i. e., they are not mutually exclusive. The first is having a Business Owner’s Approach to the world. The second is being a Creative Thinker.

Business Owner’s Approach

As a business owner myself I am very cognizant of the difference in how I perceive the world versus the average person’s perception of the world.

As children we are conditioned to be told what to do and when to do it. As an employee this mentality is further reinforced by the employer. With this “employee mindset” we take no ownership or sense of responsibility to change this mentality.

There enlies the difference between the successful 3%ers and the wannabes – the Employee Mindset vs. the Business Owner Mindset. Making the shift from Employee to Business Owner is one of the greatest challenges faced by the entrepreneur. With no one to tell you what to do you must change your view of the world to someone responsible for it.

To make this shift we must think like a Business Owner: stay focused, take responsibility, and take action. It sounds easy, but this takes constant vigilance to master. Invariably, without thinking we revert back to our old ways of doing things causing us to loose focus and loose ground. It’s ok. It’s human nature. Don’t waste more time by beating yourself up. Step back, take a deep breath and think F-R-A…Focus, Responsibility, and Action. Just do it! 

Be A Creative Thinker

Being a Creative Thinker means to be innovative in your approach to running your business. Don’t settle for good, strive for greatness. Find new and different perspectives to problem solving.

To become a Creative Thinker you must think outside of the box. Question assumptions and don’t be bound by the box’s parameters. Consider different perspectives by studying the ways of the most successful. Viewing things from a totally different angle can make the difference between success and failure in your business.

By implementing these two processes, the Business Owner Mindset and Creative Innovation, you can differentiate yourself from the rest. Challenge yourself and you, too, can achieve the success of the 3%ers!

Best Wishes Always,

Steve Pierce
Internet Marketing Mentor

Steve Pierce is a former VP of Corporate Finance turned Entrepreneur with 20+ years of financial leadership experience. He provides advice and guidance on Internet Marketing Strategies of the Wealthy, and empowers people to leverage the power of the Internet and write their own paychecks.

Visit his website and see why so many are joining the best of the best.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Learn From My Story

We all have a story. Please, learn from mine.

I spent 25 years of my life working within the Finance area of Corporate America. As the numbers guy I performed the analytics that helped steer companies (back) to profitability.

Senior Management relied on me and my financial expertise to arm them with information and recommendations needed to determine the future direction of the company.

Over time I developed a trusting relationship with my business partners, senior management and peer alike, and earned the reputation as a trusted leader. I leveraged this solid foundation to eventually become Vice President of Corporate Finance.

Gut Check

On the surface it appeared I had a successful career. But deep within me I knew I was unhappy. I was dissatisfied and disillusioned not only with my job but with my life in general. I knew something was missing.

For years I was in constant conflict with myself on two fronts:

• When working, I felt I should be with my family, but when with my family I felt I should be working!

• Why are all my efforts going towards making someone else rich?

Acknowledging these demons was a huge revelation for me. I finally understood the basis for my guilt, grief and anguish. At that point it was time for a gut check. So I put on my big boy pants, looked in the mirror and asked myself, “Are you going to live the rest of your life this way?” I knew there was a better way; I just had to find it.

About Face

So here’s what I did. I embarked on the most extensive research campaign of my life looking for a way to make good money AND be happy doing it. I painstakingly sifted through all the garbage and false claims and finally found what I had been searching for – a proven system that empowers me to achieve and exceed my financial and family goals. This was literally a life defining moment for me.

180 degrees later my family and I have the freedom and happiness we so deserve.

I share my story with you because I truly believe it can have a positive impact on your life. Know that you can have the freedom and lifestyle you deserve, regardless of your situation. It has been a life changer for me and can be for you, too!

Best Wishes Always,

Steve Pierce
Internet Marketing Mentor

Steve Pierce is a former VP of Corporate Finance turned Entrepreneur with 20+ years of financial leadership experience. He provides advice and guidance on Internet Marketing Strategies of the Wealthy, and empowers people to leverage the power of the Internet and write their own paychecks.

Visit his website and see why so many are joining the best of the best.